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The #1 Trusted Tax & Accounting Advisors for Real Estate Agents


How Realtors are saving over 5 Figures in taxes by adding these 7 Legal Tax-Saving Strategies
(and NO, IT'S NOT by jacking up the expenses and putting you at audit risk)
You'll be surprised how much money you can save on taxes by having a solid tax-reduction strategy.

*We hate spam too! So we treat your information with respect. Enough said!

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Manage Expenses, Grow Revenue & Save Money on Taxes

Download your free copy!

*We hate spam too! So we treat your information with respect. Enough said!

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If I offered to show you...
  • How "The Tax Cuts Act" (the biggest overhaul to the tax system in 3 decades) has fundamentally changed the tax game for self-employed people...and how to capitalize on it NOW!
  • This "Blueprint Magic Trick" that I've used to help many of my clients increase their home office deduction by 25% - with no extra work! (You'll see how you could do the exact same thing...)
  • How to incorporate to shelter your wealth - Finding the best corporate entity for your business.
  • How to take advantage of the new legal QBI deduction in order to save 20% of your net income under the new tax law
  • How to turn your car into a tax-deductible goldmine
  • How you can pay each of your children up to $12,000 per year tax-free under the new tax law.
  • How to save a 5 figure in Social Security and Medicare taxes every year by optimizing your business entity structure.
  • IRS tax code references, court case references, and MORE!
Would you take me up on that offer?


Diego Hinojosa, EA
Real Estate Tax Strategist,
Tax Resolution Specialist.

Attention: Realtors

When was the last time your CPA/tax pro came to you and said, "Here's an idea I think will save you money?

Over the past 10 years I've helped realtors pay less tax, legally, morally, and ethically through education and a full analysis of the tax codes, court cases, and regulatory requirements.

Discover the most powerful reasons the RICH are allowed to keep Significantly MORE CASH than YOU, out of the IRS' Greedy hands...

I'll show you how you can do the exact same thing, and permanently lower your taxes for the rest of your life!  The rich pay less in taxes (as a percentage of income) than you do.

Here is a clear example:  Amazon, is owned by the world's richest man, Jeff Bezos (who is worth a whopping $112 billion!), paid $0.00 in taxes this year! (In fact, they actually got a $129 million REFUND!) 

Meanwhile...93% of Self Employed Real Estate Agents overpay their taxes every year.  That statistic comes from a recent article on Forbes

Would you agree with me if I said that business has become increasingly tough for independent real estate agents like you over the past few years?   
I'm sure you've felt the pressure...   
On top of competition from corporate real estate chains, you have to deal with massive disruption of the internet that takes commission away from you and ever-increasing confusion and complexities on how to choose the right realtor due the over-saturation, and how to SAVE MONEY ON TAXES.   
As someone who's spent the past 10 years working with hundreds of Realtors across the US, I understand the unique challenges you face while running your business.   
And here's the thing...   
No matter where you're at in your career, the biggest challenge you face to having financial success and generating lasting wealth from your business is actually TAXES.   
That’s because as a self-employed realtor or real estate broker, federal and state income taxes are the single biggest expense you have.   
And the worst part is that over 93% of the Realtors I talk to are overpaying Uncle Sam and their state and local governments.  

The wealthy hire armies of full-time CPA's, attorneys, and financial planner to make sure they get to take every deduction they are legally entitle to.  YOU CANNOT rely on your tax filing software to look FORWARD in time and PLAN for your future!
The truth is, while things like increasing case acceptance, creating a budget, and saving for retirement are key to your financial health...  
What's the point if you don't manage your tax liabilities, your single biggest expense?  When done right, tax planning and reduction is the 20% of work that creates 80% of the results.   
The problem that I run into all the time is that most realtors don't have any idea that they can legally and ethically SLASH their income taxes by as much as 50%.  

So, Are You Ready To Permanently Lower Your Taxes, Once-and-for-All?

This Is Truly A Limited Offer.
So Claim Your FREE COPY NOW!
You'll be surprised how much money you can save on taxes by having a solid tax-reduction strategy.

*We hate spam too! So we treat your information with respect. Enough said!

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Skeptical? Check Out the Indisputable 
PROOF & Results Of Our Clients.

Nick Bush
VA/MD/DC Real Estate Agent

Diego has been an essential asset to my business! He was able to work with me to eliminate fees and get me on a tax payment schedule that worked best for me. He is incredibly well versed in tax law and was able to help me capitalize on tax credits that would benefit me and my business. In addition to preparing and filing taxes, he educated me on the tax process for my business and was able to help me set up and file for my LLC.
Working with Diego has been the best decision I have made for my business. He always has my best interests in mind and every interaction with him is nothing but professional.
Diego has become my go-to tax guy, to whom I send my real estate clients to. He is always available to them to make sure they’re good to go with the purchase or sale of their home.

Ryan Walls
Walls Real Estate Properties

Diego is a pleasure to work with and will continue to be my go to resource for any questions or advice. His knowledge and expertise, combined with service and professionalism, creates an environment where you are sure you are saving the most on your taxes and confident in the planning for years to come.
I highly recommend any individual or small business looking for tax advice and services to work with Diego.

Derek Thomas
Thomas Enterprise Inc. | Thomas Landscapes, LLC

Working with Diego has been one of the best experiences that I have had with any tax professional. He is able to navigate seamlessly the world of business taxes. This company goes above and beyond the scope of just taxes by looking at overall plans for growth and helping with making intelligent decisions. Several of the bookkeeping and day-to-day financial management plans that they have set into place is helping us experience goal And growth objectives in a shorter term than we had thought possible. I highly recommend Diego and his team of professionals to anyone looking for a business tax company that is professional and competent.

Afrouz Homayouni
Real Estate at Compass
Eclipse Estates

Simply the best CPAs you could hope for and I recommend them wholeheartedly!
Now Is The Time To Take Control  
Of Your Finances And Your Future!

*We hate spam too! So we treat your information with respect. Enough said!

There Are Reasons 

REALTORS Struggle With TAXES...

  • Realtors end up hiring a CPA or an accountant that you share with 300 other business owners... 
  • Realtors wait until tax time rolls around and then they try to find as many deductions as they can after the fact. Truth is, you’ll never win “playing defense” with the IRS. 
  • Your CPA's process of collecting and gathering information is antiquated or cumbersome 
  • Your CPA doesn't file your tax returns on time, and it is causing you to incur penalties and interest.
  • Your Tax Return is getting too complicated to use a DIY software
  • The list can go on and on, but I’ll spare you the “Magna Carta” of Struggles I could lay out. 

Now, Not Every Realtor Is Going To
Experience EVERY One Of The Struggles I Just Laid Out.

But the truth is, 
Each struggle is connected to POOR TAX PLANNING

Look most people THINK they're prepared...
And yet I still find thousands of dollars in missing 
deductions & tax credits on 9 out 10 tax returns that I look at.
So I'll ask you again, are you SURE you're prepare for 2022?
And here's the thing...
There's even more to prepare for this year than usual.
BIG CHANGES are coming for our tax law this year.


Now Is The Time To Take Control  
Of Your Finances And Your Future!
You'll be surprised how much money you can save on taxes by having a solid tax-reduction strategy.

*We hate spam too! So we treat your information with respect. Enough said!

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Metrotax Modern Accountants & Advisors 

8230 Leesburg Pike Suite 710 Vienna, VA 22182


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